Saturday, May 12, 2018

Introducing A New Designer | Nicole Nowosad

Today we are delighted to welcome the very talented Nicole Nowosad to the Doodlebug Design Team.

Nicole lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada with her husband and three children. When not working full-time, or driving her kids between activities, Nicole can be found doing something creative, including creating digital cut files for JustNick. Nicole has her creative work published regularly in magazines, can be found teaching at events across Canada as well as online and her work seen on several manufacturers blogs. Nicole has been paper crafting for almost 20 years and her style is bright and colorful and full of pattern!

Nicole created this beautiful layout using the Hello collection for National Scrapbook Day celebrations with Scrapbook & Cards Today.

 We look forward to many more of Nicole's beautiful designs using our Doodlebug products.
Don't forget to visit Nicole for more inspiration.


  1. Congratulations Nicole! Can’t wait to see what you create!

  2. Lovely !

    Are the cutouts a card, with a note ?

  3. Congratulations so deserved, your work is lovely x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Congrats, Nicole! Another venue to see your wonderful work! Doodlebug Designs is very lucky to have you!


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