Friday, October 4, 2013

Soup Can Treat Containers

Do you love creative ways to give gifts and treats? If so, then you will love Lori Allred's latest Inspired by Pinterest episode where she shares how simple it can be to recycle your pop-top soup cans into creative new treat containers. Then cover them with the darling Doodlebug Design papers and embellishments from the Home for the Holidays Collection, Happy Harvest Collection and the Halloween Parade Collection. Scroll down to see the video.

If you'd like to see what pins inspired this project, be sure to check out Lori's blog.

(POST FILMING NOTE: Originally Lori recommended E6000 to adhere lid to can, but
later learned it makes the candy taste strange and now she suggest using your
hot glue gun instead and NOT the glue mentioned in the episode.)


  1. So cool ! I L♥ve this idea !!

    Thanks !!!

  2. Wow! What a clever idea! You've got the wheels in my head turning. This would make such a cute gift for my neighbors this year! :)

  3. What a great idea, Lori! I am totally going to give this project a try!

  4. Great idea! Loved this treat idea for my kids!

  5. love this!! thanks so much for the tips on recycling the cans, I'd seen these on pinterest but couldn't figure out how you did it with the lids

  6. What a genius. Who knew colored coffee stir sticks could create such cute cards. I've gotten so many ideas from your posts on pinterest. Thank you for sharing.

  7. That idea is very cute. Thanks for sharing! Greetings from Costa Rica


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