
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Chevrons to Decorate Doors and Notebooks

3D Monograms 
by Courtney Lee

Hey hey! So.... we were "assigned" (as if it's a chore!!! ;)) sugar coated chevron card stock to play with this time! I have had these cut files at the ready for a little while now and couldn't wait to put something on the girls' room door to identify it as both of theirs. I love ampersands so I had to get one of those in there too. :) Courtney from Court's Crafts here with a little door decor! 

Hans (my husband) hasn't really let me put stuff on the girls' door. He is totally non committal and wont let me do it! He has vetoed almost everything... and then I made these. :)

My girls' names are Emmaline and Charlotte and I am totally enamored with everything "sisterly" as I was an only child. I wanted to make their monograms equal and opposite and since doodlebug makes everything in their "classic colors", I was able to do just that! 

Of course I needed a little gold thrown in there. It's so *hot* right now. :) 

And if you look closely - behind the gold - is tone on tone white chevron card stock

I love butterflies and their room is very "nature" themed and I thought that the spinkles vellum would look cute on top of the chevron so I double cut the butterflies and adhered them at the thorax. 

Lastly, I added three pearls for accent at the bottom right of the letters. 

Here it is on their door! 

I had to get a picture so that you can see just how sparkly the sugar-coated card stock is. I know that when I see glittered card stock I am sometimes not too impressed with the amount of glitter on the card stock. I like it to SHINE! And no surprise here - doodlebug card stock does just that! Check. Out. That. Glitter!

Thank you so much for checking out my sugar-coated-chevron project! Make sure to check out how you can WIN SOME! :)

This is Court's Crafts signing out! Have a beautiful day!




Altered Book Cover
by Sharm Nidyanandan
Recently, we celebrated both our little girls birthday. What I wanted to make was a little notebook where our guests could pen down their message for my little girls to ponder upon when they're older. 

As with every little girl's birthday, all things glittery is a must :) So what I did was, to alter a little book that you can get from any dollar store and bling up the front cover with the very lovely chevron cardstock. 

 Here's what my project looks like:

Some close-ups

1) Cut out a piece of chevron cardstock to cover the entire front page of the book leaving about 0.5 inches all around

2) Next, cut out a smaller piece of a different colour and use an edge punch to create a pretty border (you can also use one of the cutesy border stickers by Doodlebug ;))

3) Layer some stickers and make your own banner using the same chevron cardstock and add some bling and twine

Materials Used:
Item:4087 12x12 lily white chevron sugar coated cardstock
Item:4088 12x12 gray chevron sugar coated cardstock
Item:4078 12x12 bubblegum chevron sugar coated cardstock
Item:4185 sugar shoppe this & that sticker
Item:3208 doodle twine - bumblebee


  1. Gorgeous and darling!!! Love them!!! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. WOW wow WOW
    Emmaline and Charlotte must have the SPARKLIEST and PRETTIEST bedroom door in the whole world - LOVE DELIGHTFUL dimensional monograms you created Courtney!!!
    BEAUTIFUL birthday book and what a lovely way to make special memories for your daughters too Sharm!!!
    THANK YOU for sharing your SPARKLY & CREATIVE INSPIRATION ladies :)
    As always, I've shared your pretty projects on my Doodlebug Design Delights pinterest board

  4. Love those decorative door pieces! So much fun!

  5. These projects are beautiful! I love the glittery butterfly and the journal cover is so pretty!

  6. Love the chevron papers. The gold glitter is beautiful. Great ideas.

  7. WOW, love the door decor! that is just awesome.

  8. Oh, Sharm, way to go!! You took that notebook from drab to absolutely fab!! Thanks for showing us that the chevrons could be used like this!! Also You glammed up that notebook awesomely!! And Court, oh my goodness, what lucky girls to get to have such bright, sparkly, and just plain fun door decorations!! You did a really great job and the gold ampersand really is COOL!!

  9. I pinned both projects -

  10. Both projects are simply adorable! I really like the monograms project.

  11. Super cute ideas ladies! You're both so clever! :)
