
Monday, April 3, 2017

Ktchen Table Crafter: Organization Tips & Tour with Karen Hanson

Hi everyone! It's Karen, and today I get to share with you a little inside information! The design team has been having fun sharing some crafty space ideas, so today I get share the inside workings of mine!
Okay, now I know you are probably thinking - "Um, Karen, that looks an awful lot like a kitchen table." And the truth is - you are right! It is my kitchen table. In fact, my kitchen counter starts just to the right of this picture, and I actually took this picture while precariously perched on top of my breakfast bar. That's right. I am a kitchen table crafter! Now, for those of you who also create right in the centre of it all, you will know that crafting on a kitchen table is a juggling act all of it's own (sometimes an act that requires me to exclaim with enthusiasm at meal time - "Today, let's have a picnic in the living room!" to the giggles of my children and the patient grimace of the hubby). But as the years have gone on, this little corner has evolved from piles of semi organized mean, a mobile working space that I can tuck away when needed. So, while it isn't a whole room of crafty goodness, today I thought I would share some of my ways of making this space work.
One of my favourite and most economical organizing purchases has been my white photo boxes. You can pick up these boxes for a couple of dollars and the are the perfect size for many different spaces...shelves, cupboards, drawers - you name it! Besides photos, my boxes hold extra adhesive, ink pads, stamp collections...
...and when open, are even the perfect size for 6x6 paper pads, packages of odds and ends, buttons and even doilies!
And if you are worried about how sturdy they are, simply place the lid on the bottom for extra stability! These boxes come right out onto my table when I am creating, and then tuck away beautifully when I clean up (that's actually my criteria for all storage I use...can I pull it out easily onto the table and throw everything back in easily when I am done). Oh, and while my boxes are all white, they come in a million colours and patterns and you can even personalize them with some pretty paper!
Speaking of paper, I keep all of my paper collections together in separate extra large zipper bags. When I first get them, I actually keep embellishments in there too. When I want to work with a collection, I simply pull the bag out on to the table and pull out what I need. When it's time to clean up, all the pieces slide right back into the bag - even my little tiny pieces (it's hard to get rid of them). It's a super quick cleanup! Now, I have to admit that I did buy a storage unit on wheels last year that has really changed things for me. There is room on the top for my cutting machine, and a great set of drawers of different sizes. If you are on a tight budget like me, do not count out this option. These types of units can be pricey, but I bought mine second hand for a fraction of the price. In the end, I actually sold off some crafting supplies to pay for it to make myself feel even better about the purchase - I was cleaning out to make use of it anyway so it was the perfect time to purge! This new unit has given me the perfect opportunity to organize...
...small odds and ends like mini clips and doilies (in a tray that I re-purposed to fit this drawer well)...
...small, narrow supplies like my glitter... .
..and even some of my twine.
But the best part was attaching some temporary 3M hoops to the side to store my washi tape embroidery hoop and, on the other side, to hold my cutting mats. And when we have guests over for dinner, I can roll the whole unit away into another room or just move my Cricut off of the top and have a "mini buffet" to store some of our meal items. You know, I have to admit that there are days when I look at pictures of beautiful craft rooms and drool! But I really do love crafting and creating in the middle of my family home and watching my girls (and even sometimes my hubby) just pull up a chair and join in. I also think there are things we can learn in terms of organization and decluttering from those that craft in the heart of it all! So while perhaps one day down the road one of the rooms in my house may look so lonely and empty that my craft supplies sneak in, today I am going to put my feet up, enjoy this sunny crafting space in what happens to be the sunniest city in Canada, toasting all of those that call the kitchen table crafting "home base"!


  1. Great ideas!!!! LOVE the washi on the embroidery hoop!

    1. It's one of my favourite parts of my craft space! I just grab it off the hook and it's all there. Cleaning it up is a breeze too. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  2. I was a kitchen table scrapper for years!! You are way more organized than I ever was!! Love your storage ideas!!!

    1. Oh Kathy - it doesn't usually look quite this organized if you know what I mean! ;)

  3. Cheers from a fellow kitchen table scrapper! ;) I like your ideas.

    1. Yeah! I know there are many more of out there! Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  4. Replies
    1. Aw, thanks AnnaMarie! I have to admit though, that "real life" does usually look a bit messier than this! ;) Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  5. So happy you shared this! Crafting spaces come in all shapes and sizes. I don't have a room dedicated to crafting either but rather a cupboard and small table. Love all your clever space saving storage ideas. Creativity and inspiration can blossom anywhere :)

    1. Isn't that the truth - especially with some Doodlebug product in the mix! Thanks for commenting!

  6. Thanks for sharing AND inspiring!! I feel like most crafters don't have a dedicated craft room or at least don't start off that way until some of the kiddos leave the home ;) Great use of space!!

    1. Thank-you! It's been an evolution of the space, but it really has become a nice place to craft as well as share a meal!

  7. I worked at our dining table for years (but I'm not sure it ever looked this nice). LOVE your drawer organizers!

    1. I love that organizer too - it was a great second hand find (I almost didn't buy it - sure glad I bit the bullet)!

  8. LOVE your space...very inspiring. As I take inventory of my stock (and I know I need to downsize), this is very encouraging to me. Your drawer organizer is perfect. Thanks for sharing~~
